Akko have a lot of sites to visit. The minimum time for a tour in Akko is three hours, The maximum time is the whole day, include nice restaurants, markets, and all the sites that I will describe in the following Paragraph (There are more, but these one are the one that I recommend):
Akko Attractions

1. Or Hatora synagogue- This synagogue is one of the most beautiful synagogues in Israel. It was founded by Jewish immigrants from Tunisia, in the 50s of the 20 century by a person name Zion Badas which decided to add to all the walls in the building (three floors building!), works of mosaic which describe stories from the bible, as was common in ancient synagogues in Israel. Very Impressive!!!
2. Ethnographic Museum "Treasures in the Walls"- This museum present objects which have been collected over many years by the collectors Dan Hortman and Michael Luria. The left wing is reconstruction of old market stores and old craft workshops such as hat-maker´s, leather-maker´s, carpenter´s, wood maker's, blacksmith´s and an old pharmacy.
The right wing includes furniture, vessels, clocks, locks and other collected items from the past. The historic building, includes a unique atmosphere that adds to the visitor's enjoyment of the wide variety of articles on display. Very interesting to the people who love this genre. Link to the museum website is: http://ozarot.net/page.asp?kat=302
3. Old Akko Walls- The walls were initially built by the Ottoman ruler of the area, Ahmed Al-Jazzar Pasha, in order to prevent from Napoleon´s to conquer the city in-1779. The Jewish adviser of Ahmed Al-Jazzar Rabi Haim Farchi, advised him to build a Death trap to Napoleon's forces, by building an internal wall which will trap the French forces, which will break the regular wall, between two walls. It worked. Napoleon´s didn't succeeded to conquer the city. Today, on the old walls, you can see the remains of the canons from that period, observe the old city, and to impress from the beautiful structure of the walls and towers.
4. Museum of the Underground Prisoners in Acre- The museum, which is actually the British prison, is located in the northern part of the Old City, inside a fortress built during the Ottoman rule in place of a Crusader Order, and served as the palace of the rulers of the area. During the British Mandate rule, the fortress was converted to a prison, where the Haganah, Etzel and Lehi undergrounds fighters were imprisoned during the struggle in Israel against British mandate.
The museum recounts the historical events that took place there, and illustrates the lives of underground prisoners and the break-up of Acre Prison through an audio-visual vision. In addition, on the site are commemorative rooms for the nine fallen in the burglary and the nine royal dead, who were hanged in the gallows cell in the prison.
The tour is by appointment only and lasts about 90 minutes. The tour takes place in groups of up to 30 people (individual visitors will be combined, in advance, in groups).
Phone: +972-4-9911375
Email: Hdakko_Museum@mod.gov.il
Days and Visits: Sunday to Thursday: 16:00 to 08:30

5. The Hospitaller Fortress - Underneath the fortress built by the Ottoman Governor Ahmad al-Jazzar (the famous British Mandate Acre Prison), dwell halls of the Hospitaller Fortress from the Crusader period. Maps found in the Vatican library teach us that so far no more than four percent of the magnificent Crusader city has been exposed. Excavations have continued over the years and people who visited the Knights’ Halls a few years ago will not recognize the place today.
The Hospitaller quarter is include the Palace, the huge storerooms, The Dining room (one of the biggest in the world), The Hospitallers's escape tunnel, St. John's Church, streets and markets- and everything is build (Not ruins!) beneath the Muslim city, which is above it. Very attractive site- not to miss!
Attached a link to website which includes some of the sites that are mention here: http://www.akko.org.il/en/
6. Al-Jazzar Mosque - Al-Jazzar Mosque, which is known in Arabic as Jama El-Basha (the Pasha's Mosque), is Israel's largest mosque outside of Jerusalem and the largest one among the mosques built in Israel during the Turkish period. The building dominates Acre's skyline to this very day.
Based on the Arabic inscription engraved over the front door, the mosque was inaugurated around 1781 AD, i.e. in the early years of Al-Jazzar Pasha's rule in Acre.
The Mosque divided to 3 parts: The Rooms which surround the yard, where the Muslims are learning the Koran, outside the prayers hours, The Yard with the "Mathara"- the Faucet they use to purified themselves before entering the mosque, and the mosque itself- which is very beautiful.
The only problem in visiting the Mosque is that the open hours are changed according to the times of prayers. Worth to see!
7. Hamam al- Basha- "Hamam al-Basha" was built at the end of the 18th century by Governor of Acre, Jazzar Pasha. The Turkish bath's construction was part of the transformation of Acre during the Ottoman Period from a small fishing village (primarily at the hands of al-Jazzar Pasha) into a port city and a major construction and trade center.
The Hamam features three main sections:
The summer dressing room, the four intermediary rooms, which are located between the cold room and the hot room, and the hot room. The hot room is the heart of the Hamam – the steam room, which housed a heated pool and a steam bath. Treatment consisted of scrubbing, soaping, and massaging of the body and soul. The small rooms surrounding the central stage were used for individual treatments for the wealthy and the privileged.
For about one hundred and fifty years – from its inception to the War of Independence in 1948, the Hamam served as an active bath house.
The Story of the Last Bath Attendant presents a novel approach to depicting a chapter in the history of Acre – the Ottoman Period.
The site founders created and unique experiences with movies (with actors), sound, and light, which escort you during moving, with earphones, from one section to another, of the Hamam.
8. The Market- Akko's market is located inside the walls of the old city. It start near the entrance to the old city from the main parking area inside the old city, and end near the Fishing's active port.
In the market you can find the regular stuff that you find in any local market, but in addition to that, among the alleys, you will find interesting unique candies' stores, and cheap souvenirs shops.
Remark- the best souvenir's shops and restaurants, are also in the old city, but not in the market.
9. The Templars' Tunnel- The Templars were a military-monastic order who, in the name of the pope, aided pilgrims coming from Europe, to visit the holy sites of the Land of Israel.
They first settled in Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount, hence their name, "the Templars", the guardians of the Temple. Following the conquest of Jerusalem by Salah Al-Din in 1187, the Templars made their home in Acre and began to build their quarter in the City's southwest section.
Here, at the western edge of the tunnel is where the main fortress of the Templar order was built. "The Templar Fortress was the strongest one in the city and, for the most part, it abutted the sea line.
The tunnel is 150 meters long and it extends from the Templars fortress in the west to the city's port in the east. It crosses Pisan quarter and in the past, served as a strategic underground passageway that connected the palace to the old port. The tunnel was discovered in 1994.
10. The old Port- The old port of Akko, was built by the Crusaders in the 12th century. It located near the exit of the Templars' Tunnel. It was a pretty small port, with two towers on its sides, and a pier which had been used for mainly rowing boats which brought the passengers and merchandise to and from the sails ships.
When the Mamluks invaded to Akko (May 1291), The women and children ran to the port. But, when they arrived to the port, they discovered that the boats had already left the port toward the ships. According to evidence of the Ludolf (Historian): "More than 500 virgin noble women, daughters of kings and princes, went down to the coast, when the city was about to fall. They took with them jewelries, gold and precious stones, took off their clothing, stood naked on the pier, and screamed that they are willing to give themselves to any man who will approached to the coast and save them.".
The women's efforts were useless. The Ships just sailed as far as they could, and the end of the women and children was horrible!
11. The Marina and Fishing Port - Acre's first port was presumably located along the lower section of the Na'aman River. The port was first mentioned in Kambizes' journey to conquer Egypt in 527-525 BC during the course of which Acre boasted hundreds of ships carrying soldiers, horses and supplies. The fact that Acre served as a base for a fleet of such magnitude indicates that the breakwater had already been built.
From time immemorial, the Holy Land has attracted pilgrims – especially Jews and Christians. Many of them arrived to Israel through the Port of Acre. Acre's status grew, primarily after its conquest by the Crusaders in 1104, when the port became the main gate to the Land of Israel.
Today, you can take a boat ride on the port for 20 minutes (around the old walls of Akko), up to one hour, one way, to Haifa port while crossing Haifa Bay.